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Embrace The Cloud For A Zero IT Footprint
Not sure what to do with the cloud? Stop fearing the cloud and leverage the technology to reduce costs and drive business growth.

Entrepreneurial Skill: Execution The Key To Success
Sometimes you just need to be able to get things done and execute a plan.
Learn the skills you need to make sure you see your plans through

Entrepreneurial Skill: Creativity Staying Within The Box
CPAs can't be creative....or can they?
In this episode we tackle an issue that is a hot topic for any CPA or accountant - how to be cr

Entrepreneurial Skill: Collaboration Make A Connection
Put down the green visor, and ditch those pocket protectors - CPAs need to be collaborators to succeed in the new business landscape.

Is Excel On The Way Out?
Is the reigning champion on the way out? Will Excel be obsolete?
Your Entrepreneurial CPA hosts tackle this, and other technology question

Why now is the time to stop fearing AI
In this episode, we discuss the real life impact AI is having today on both the auditing and accounting sides of the spectrum and the opport
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